eFuels and the Future of Propulsion

Tuesday, November 19 202412:30 - 13:00
1. METSTRADE Theatre (13.205)
Emerging technologies, Sustainability
eFuels and the Future of Propulsion

Hosted by IBI and METSTRADE.

Join us for a Q&A session on the future of eFuels in marine propulsion. Experts will discuss the advantages and challenges of eMethanol compared to other fuels like eAmmonia, HVO, and hydrogen. They will also delve into the necessary changes in engines and infrastructure, as well as the potential supply-demand balance and the challenges of transitioning to eFuels.


Michal Sienkiewicz
Michal SienkiewiczSuperyacht Project managerSunreef
Tobias Kohl
Tobias KohlDirector Application Engineering MarineRolls-Royce Power Systems AG
Moderator: Ed Slack
Moderator: Ed SlackEditorial DirectorIBI
Christoph Ballin
Christoph BallinCo-FounderTYDE and Torqeedo