Seaboost Brush Station

Seaboost Brush Station

by Christian Feodoroff13 November 20242 min read

A simple boatwash that gets the job done.

Seaboost is a pioneer in developing in-water boat hull washing equipment, with more than ten years of experience. Brush Station has been developed to meet challenges identified in the supply of hull wash services.

The simple operating principle does not require electricity, personnel, or other expensive infrastructure. Only a pier is needed. The service can be provided 24 h, so that the customer can choose when to stop by. You use the boat's own propulsion and the buoyancy that the station provides to create the effect. The station is effective against all kinds of fouling including tough barnacles.

The sturdy structure makes this device durable and reliable. When all these things are in order, many pitfalls typical of provided services are avoided, such as excessively high-cost structure, staff problems and broken equipment in the middle of the season. On top of this the low-cost structure enables reasonable prices, which creates volume, which is the basis for a good business.

Brush Station is suitable for boats with outboards or stern drive under 8,5 m, and with a maximum beam of approximately 2,7 m. Typically you can fit in the majority of all boats that uses some sort of antifouling. The device is developed for boat wash service providers, marinas, boat clubs and ports.