
Round table on boat construction techniques and materials

Round Table at METSTRADE 2019 focused on boat construction techniques and materials

Yacht designers, builders and industry experts share common development targets and solutions

The third edition of the Round Table dedicated to boat building construction and materialswill be held on 19 and 20 November as part of the METSTRADE Show, the world’s largest B2B trade exhibition for leisure marine equipment. Advanced materials and the latest production technologies will be on stage and in the spotlight at the  in the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre.

Established in 2017, the Round Table sessions bring together leaders in the marine sector in an informal and lively setting to exchange opinions and experiences on the very latest developments. The third edition will feature two key topics, namely ‘Fatigue behaviour of composite vessels under slamming’ and “How to improve composite design thanks to better failure understanding – the latest news on the Recycling of (iberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) boats.’

Green thinking

Also high on the agenda is the increasingly relevant challenge of boat recycling and reuse in light of growing ecological awareness and the need to find more environmentally friendly technologies. While the journey towards truly recyclable composites remains a long one, the innovative spirit of the Round Table will stimulate designers and builders of composite boats to join the discussion and seek answers to the questions that emerge from the debate.

The Round Table offers a unique opportunity to meet professionals from the marine industry engaged in research, design, production, marketing and service activities. It is a direct way to gather technical, technological and scientific information and get up to speed with the main challenges faced by designers and builders working with innovative materials to build ever faster and lighter boats. A Q&A is scheduled at the end of each session and participants are also invited to ask questions at the conclusion of each presentation.

Expert contributors

The Round Table features carefully selected technology experts who will offer detailed contributions that give the public an inspiring insight into the boat building and construction themes. Speakers include Sergio Abrami (Studio Sergio Abrami YD), Stefano Beltrando (QI Composites), Giovanni Ceccarelli (Ceccarelli Yacht Design), Mario Malinconico (Institute for Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials), Luca Olivari (OlivariEng) and Paolo Schito (Politecnico di Milano). As was the case last year, the Aaron S. Porter, editor of Professional BoatBuilder magazine, will serve as moderator.

The event will offer significant added value to manufacturers, production and quality managers, designers, architects, engineers, mould contractors, students, professionals involved in the composites industry, R&D, academic research and marketing. It will take place over two days – November 19 from 13.30 to 16.00 and November 20 from 10.30 to 12.30 – in the Elicium Centre (D202, Construction Material Pavilion). Registration opens half an hour before the event begins.